Best Germguardian Air Purifier

Best Germguardian Air Purifier

Best Germguardian Air Purifier







Air purifiers expel residue, dust, and odor from the environment with the goal that you and your family could inhale perfect and sound air.

There are a few sorts of air purifiers accessible, differing in versatility, power utilization, filtration system, value, support, commotion levels, and the number of extra highlights. GermGuardian AC5350B stands out by joining viability, productivity, sensible valuing, simple controls, and calm activity to improve your air quality. We have discussed the best germguardian air purifier and buyer’s guide. The Energy Star-guaranteed air purifier uses various degrees of filtration to guarantee each destructive molecule has been caught and permits you to control the speed of the fan to your inclination. Get more details in Germ Guardian Review.


GermGuardian AC5350B is appraised as one of the most well-known and compelling air purifiers in the market.

Right now, we go into a top to bottom investigation of the highlights that have earned it the awards just as the exchange offs you should know about. You can get more details in Germ Guardian Review and the best Germguardian air purifier.

Generally speaking execution 

The general adequacy of GermGuardian AC5350B / Germ Guardian Review is reflected in its capacity to expel 99.97% of destructive particles that are as little as 0.3 microns meaning it can assist you with disposing of residue bugs, pet dander, dust, smoke, form, and microbes.

The amazing general execution is additionally controlled by its CADR rating (what’s going on here? – read underneath) of 114 for dust, 127 for dust, and 108 for the smoke. These numbers are run of the mill for gadgets of comparable size and type, and it implies that the unit can play out its activity adequately in record time.

It rapidly accomplishes this by refining the whole volume of air like clockwork. You can get more details in the best Germguardian air purifier review. 

How it cleans the air 

Best Germguardian Air Purifier

GermGuardian AC5350B utilizes a progressed multi-layered filtration framework with four phases of cleaning comprising of a mechanical pre-filter, enacted carbon filter, genuine HEPA filter, and discretionary UV-C light innovation to murder organisms and expel various kinds of contaminants and smell from the air.

When air flows through the air purifier, the pre-filter catches huge particles like pet hair and dust to shield the unit from stopping up due to caught contamination collection while the enacted carbon filter dispenses with smoke and smell.

The genuine HEPA filter expels the modest particles from the air and the UV-C filter goes about as a sanitizer to eliminate germs and infections liable for flu. You can get more details in the best Germguardian air purifier review.  


Mechanical air pre-filter: 

It is made of a slim 1/8-inch material that can be effectively cleaned with a brush or a vacuum cleaner.

Its work is to expel huge particles from the air which can gather and square the air purifier from working viably. 

Carbon filter: 

This layer is made of profoundly retentive initiated charcoal which bonds with the particles to trap them and lessen scent from pets, tobacco, cooking, and synthetic substances. You can get more details in the Germ Guardian Review and the best Germguardian air purifier buyer’s guide. Click to check Price

Genuine HEPA filter: 

This is viewed as a definitive filter because of its adequacy in catching 99.97% of airborne particles that are as little as 0.3 microns.

This incorporates form spores, dust bugs, and pet dander. Notice that the filter is a certifiable HEPA, which means it’s the best one for catching the smallest particles. Numerous producers utilize comparable sorts of filters and call them HEPA-type or HEPA-grade. Despite the fact that they likewise may be somewhat compelling, just evident HEPA ensures the best outcomes at evacuating pet dander, shape spores, dust, and so forth. You can get more details in the best Germguardian air purifier Review. 

UV-C bulb 

It uses short-wave splendid light development that works with titanium dioxide to smash from microorganisms, and pathogens and hinder their further duplication.

UV-C has photons with the most essentialness and the snappiest vibration which changes the DNA structure of these airborne microorganisms to murder them and refine your room, making GermGuardian AC5350B the best air purifier for people with asthma and sensitivities.

You can safely use this air filter without obsessing about ozone outpourings since it is embraced by the California Air Resources Board whose goal is to achieve and keep up sound air quality.

You can in like manner slaughter the UV-C filter by crushing the UV-C control button on the propelled exhibit board arranged at the most elevated purpose of the unit.

You can get more details in the Germ Guardian Review and the best Germguardian air purifier guide.

Best Germguardian Air Purifier


CADR alludes to Clean Air Delivery Rate. The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) performs autonomous tests on air purifiers to decide their viability in filtering out residue, dust, and tobacco smoke from the air in a stay with explicit inclusion.

It at that point appoints them a rating dependent on the volume of air that has been filtered toward the finish of the tests. AHAM demands that its rating centers around the final product, not the technique for filtration utilized. They measure the volume of specific contaminants before enacting the air purifier and afterward contrast that with the volume of the decreased contaminants toward the finish of the investigation.

CADR utilizes ANSI/AHAM AC-1 test which is estimated in cubic feet every moment. The air purifier is initiated for 20 minutes on the greatest force. A higher rating shows a higher speed and more prominent adequacy of an air purifier in wiping out poisons. The GermGuardian AC5350B has a CADR rating of 114 for dust, 127 for dust, and 108 for smoke. 

Force utilization 

In spite of its elite, GermGuardian AC5350B has a low force utilization of 120 volts or 50 watts which has earned its confirmation by Energy Star for productivity.

The unit accompanies a six-foot-long force line which gives you greater adaptability when setting up your air purifier. You can get more details in the best Germguardian air purifier review.


This is a lightweight model made of ABS plastic, weighing just 11.25 pounds, with an inherent handle for helpful transportation starting with one room then onto the next.

Highlighting a durable base and a space-sparing pinnacle plan with a length of 9.1 inches, a width of 6.7 inches, and stature of 27.6 inches, GermGuardian AC5350B is a snappy and conservative expansion that can be set up anyplace in your office or home, and the dark onyx shading makes it unnoticeable enough to mix into any encompassing.

Air flows into the unit from the back and the filtered air is discharged from either side of the air purifier.

To forestall deterrent of airflow around the vents, you should leave freedom of 12 creeps from dividers and different articles.

You can get more details in Germ Guardian Review and the best Germguardian air purifier Buyer’s guide.

Where to utilize it 

GermGuardian AC5350B has an ACH rating of 4x, which means it will refine your room like clockwork. ACH represents Air Changes every Hour, which alludes to the occasions the full air in a room can be traded each hour. ACH rating shows the intensity of an air purifier by computing the occasions it can tidy up a room of a particular size.

This versatile model is compelling in tidying up little to medium-sized rooms with the inclusion of up to 167 square feet, for example, an office, room, or lounge room of a little family unit. As per the confirmed purchasers’ GermGuardian Elite, AC5350B audits, a few clients have seen it as working incredibly in their rooms estimating 300 square feet. 


Evaluating relies on the highlights and abilities of the air purifier. Thinking about its exhibition, this model is sensibly estimated to viably clean your home without begging to be spent. It is sufficiently compelling to take out 99.97% of hurtful particles yet simple to work and keep up.

The filters will work well for you for in any event a half year before requiring a substitution. 

Best Germguardian Air Purifier

Key highlights

  • 4-in-1 filtration framework – This incorporates a mechanical pre-filter, an initiated charcoal filter, a genuine HEPA filter, and UV-C light innovation. 

Along these lines, really, no big surprise that this model is viewed as a standout amongst other GermGuardian air purifiers precisely because of its pre-filter innovation. 

  • Low force utilization – It runs on 120 volts or 50 watts of intensity which encourages you to save money on vitality bills. 
  • Polished and smooth pinnacle structure – 

The lustrous dark shading mixes in with different stylistic themes while the thin pinnacle profile can without much of a stretch fit in little spaces. Click to check Price

  • Lightweight and minimal size – It weighs 11.25 pounds which is advantageous for movability and capacity. You can undoubtedly move it to tidy up various rooms. 
  • Inclusion of up to 167 square feet – 

This makes it perfect for little and medium-sized rooms which it cleans multiple times in 60 minutes, as demonstrated by its ACH rating of 4x. 

  • 5-speed settings – 

You can change the speed of the fan from 1 for low speed to 5 for the most elevated speed, contingent upon your necessities and inclination. Nonetheless, this unit doesn’t have sensors to distinguish the degree of contamination and alter the fan speed as needs are. 

  • Filter change marker – 

At the point when the filter is expected for substitution, the unit blares for 30 seconds and caution with ‘HEPA Reset’ flashes on the computerized screen. You can get more details in the Germ Guardian Review and the best Germguardian air purifier Guide. When you supplant the filter, press and hold down the clock button for around 3 seconds to clear until the red light goes off. 

Clock – 

This is an advantageous component that permits you to program the measure of runtime from 1 to 8 hours to protect vitality. 

  • Electronic controls – 

By basically squeezing a catch at the highest point of the unit, you can turn the unit on or off, switch the UV-C light on or off, initiate the clock, or change the fan speed. 

  • Calm activity – 

Rates 1 to 3 is silent to such an extent that you will overlook the unit is running. When worked at the most elevated fan speed of 5, it radiates 60 decibels which is what might be compared to a typical discussion. Purchasers depict this as the ideal background noise. This sort of “clamor” is very calming and viable in hushing infants to rest. 

  • Industry confirmation  

GermGuardian AC5350B Elite 4-in-1 air purifier has been looked into, evaluated, and guaranteed by Energy Star for its vitality proficiency, AHAM for its viability in evacuating specific poisons, and CARB for its well being in forestalling hurtful ozone discharges. You can get more details in the Germ Guardian Review and the best Germguardian air purifier quality review.  

  • Competitive cost It has an incredible value execution proportion that will give you esteem for your cash.



GermGuardian AC5350B

GermGuardian AC5350B is appraised as one of the most well known and compelling air purifiers in the market. Right now, we go into a top to bottom investigation of the highlights that have earned it the awards just as the exchange offs you should know about.



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